Coming this spring! two new feature length movies on algonqiun park

The diary of ruthven mcnairn

a month long adventure in algonquin park

Summer 1933

Take a trip to Algonquin Park of 1933 - a historical adventure movie narrated by Steve Welch and full of Algonquin Park history, beautiful scenes and music of the 1930's.


A musical documentary of a week long backcountry trip deep into Algonquin Park with incredible scenes that take you from lake to lake, portage to portage, through the vastness and wonder of this incredible place. Coming Spring 2024.

The Way Back

The Way Back is on a Trail

Nothing has really changed

It's always been there. One of the lines in the song "Vitality" is "all you have to do is take that blindfold off". And that's kind of how it is. The world today is electrified but not plugged in. A meaningful life, one that makes sense, seems too far away. Walking across the landscape, logging the miles, hour after hour, over every hill, down every valley, up with the sun, burning in the mid day heat, freezing in the cold winter - got to keep moving - and walking deep into the sunsets, becomes, over time, your foundation. Upon which your life is built, that which your life revolves around. The earth, the sun and the moon. Always remember that this is always there. Every day the sun rises and every day the sun sets. Human activity is layered onto that. Not the other way around.  

wild turkey productions adventure films

     I love to get out in nature for extended periods - and to push myself on difficult trips. I see things in metaphors and a tough outdoor adventure is a metaphor for life. At times you just want to give up. At times you are at your wit's end. Tired. Sore. Trapped. But then there are the greatest moments ever imagined thrown in : like seeing a moose trod across the land from a canoe, or like witnessing the sun and clouds reflecting on the water like it's a giant mirror made of mercury -  and these moments not only inspire deep appreciation and thanks, but make it all worth it - more than worth it to endure whatever hardship you may face.  That's life.

     I have seen things and been places that almost cannot be believed, they are so beautiful and inspiring, but can only be reached through a difficult path. 

     I try to share this with people through music and video - I try to capture the feeling in my lyrics and melody, but I know I am really only pointing towards it - it can't be fully captured. You have to be there but the ongoing mission is to try to get closer and closer - and share the beauty and wonder of this incredible place we call home. This ball of rock and comet water we call Earth. 



Hike The Bruce Trail AND aVON TRAIL End To End Virtually in thESE Feature FilmS

Five Days in the Kawartha Highlands

The French River, Temagami, Algonquin